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FAQ for Claim Professionals
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Structured Settlement?
  3. Why would a claimant want one?
  4. Why wouldn't they want one?
  5. How can the claimant manage the disadvantages?
  6. Why does my company want me to use them?
  7. Which kinds of cases are good candidates for structures?
  8. Which cases are not?
  9. What about case size?
  10. How do I get started?
  11. What's a typical negotiating scenario?
  12. What if the Claimant says no?
  13. Approved annuity issuers
  14. Why annuities?
  15. Annuity Pricing
  16. Reduced life expectancy discounts
  17. What is an "assignment"?
  18. Structure of the deal
  19. Insurance company ratings
  20. The closing process
  21. What do settlement brokers do?
  22. How are brokers paid?
  23. What if the claimant has their own broker?
Home Page > "How to" For Claims Professionals >ABC's

Annuity Pricing

Settlement annuity markets are competitive and highly efficient. Prices can and do change daily. It is your broker's job to manage pricing.

For any given plaintiff, annuity rates can vary widely between companies, but rarely vary much between the one or two most competitive companies. Retaining one's own broker assures competitive pricing. It pays to comparison shop annuity companies, but generally not settlement brokers. Most brokers access the same companies in this niche market and by law those companies must offer the same prices through all brokers.