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FAQ for Claim Professionals
  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Structured Settlement?
  3. Why would a claimant want one?
  4. Why wouldn't they want one?
  5. How can the claimant manage the disadvantages?
  6. Why does my company want me to use them?
  7. Which kinds of cases are good candidates for structures?
  8. Which cases are not?
  9. What about case size?
  10. How do I get started?
  11. What's a typical negotiating scenario?
  12. What if the Claimant says no?
  13. Approved annuity issuers
  14. Why annuities?
  15. Annuity Pricing
  16. Reduced life expectancy discounts
  17. What is an "assignment"?
  18. Structure of the deal
  19. Insurance company ratings
  20. The closing process
  21. What do settlement brokers do?
  22. How are brokers paid?
  23. What if the claimant has their own broker?
Home Page > "How to" For Claim Professionals >FAQ


In the world of claims, structured settlements have become a priority. From formal programs to office and personal goals, companies have made it clear that they consider structures a "best practice" for handling personal injury claims and they want to see them used more often in appropriate cases.

But in order for these programs to succeed, it is not "the company" or "management" who must support the goal, it is the front-line claimspeople who must decide it makes sense. If more structures are going to be done, it is the claimspeople who are going to do them.

However, claimspeople are extremely busy. The average claimsperson today handles more claims in less time with fewer resources than ever before. Adding structures to this workload can produce real frustration if it is attmpted without a sound understanding of the basics and without proper support. That is why we developed this guide: to provide front-line claims professionals with the knowledge they need to do structures easily, efficiently and effectively.

This guide provides basic knowledge on what structures are, how they work, advantages and disadvantages, and practical tips. While not meant to be a definitive work on structures, it is a primer for those who haven't had time to focus on them previously and a reference for those who may feel a little rusty.

A few pointers can make all the difference. While structures do involve extra steps, there's no reason they need to be a major time drain. You have more help available to you than you may think. With proper support, you'll settle claims sooner, for less money and easily meet every goal management sets for you.

We hope this guide will make it easier for you to use structured settlements with confidence, for the benefit of both your company and your career.