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How to Establish A Structured Settlement - Claim Professionals

  1. Be sure your claimant knows they qualify

Few claimants -if any - know they qualify for special tax treatment at settlement. It's not likely you knew about structured settlements until you began handling personal injury claims.

Even so, many claims adjusters still don't fully understand just how large a tax break structured settlements represent. Those who do would unquestionably inform their own family members about this settlement option. Treat the claimant as you would a family member: make sure they know they qualify for this one-time special tax break and connect them with your retained structure professional.

  1. Why do the claimant a favor?

Because if you do it right you'll be helping both the claimant AND your company. Structured settlements increase the value of your settlement offers substantially without increasing its cost.

While no one knows exactly how much money it will take to settle a particular claim (claimants themselves don't know), by making your offers in structured form, you are maximizing the value of every offer and reducing your risk of overpayment.

The ability to custom-craft the payment schedule, offer income guaranteed for life, and to name secondary beneficiaries adds still further value to your offers. Claimants have stated to us time and time again that it was the combination of security, tax benefits, and customized payment schedule that enabled them to accept settlement in a case they felt sure was headed to trial.

Before taking on the costs of actually proceeding to trial, it is well worth the effort—for both sides—to engage in meaningful discussion of actual payment schedules to meet real future needs.

  1. Who to call for help

While some companies have pre-existing business relationships, many do not. We are available by both email and telephone if you have general questions or a live case you wish to discuss.